Thursday 4 April 2013

The Pitch



The plot of our opening sequence is set in a rural house that backs onto a farmers field. When a young girl (Bethany) stays up late to watch a scary film with her brother (Jordan) the night becomes a lot scarier than she thought. When she decides the film is too scary she goes to bed, when shutting her blinds she sees a scarecrow in the near distance but takes no real notice and goes to sleep. During the night there is a tapping noise on the window which wakes her up, she opens the blind to see the scarecrow considerably closer. She  thinks its strange so tells her dad who tells her shes being stupid and to go back to sleep so she does. The tapping occurs again later in the night and she re-wakes to find the scarecrow alarmingly close, she runs to her dads room where he tells her shes just dreaming. When she goes back into her room the lights on the landing turn off and as she turns to look who it was the scarecrow steps out behind her. The door slams and Bethany screams to end the opening sequence.


The scarecrow- Played by Toby- Main antagonist
The young girl- Played by Bethany- Main Protagonist/victim
Brother- Played by Jordan- Highlight the girls age and act as bad influence
Father- Played by Stuart- Doesn't believe daughter, isolates her from the family

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